Saturday, November 21, 2015


I Am Yohiel.

90 to 95% of the general populace believe that we can eliminate war, hatred, aggression, segregation, and extremists of all kinds by continuing to co-create the very things we say we want to eliminate. People are brainwashed to hate, to kill and to be hated and killed for the monetary profits of a global war industry. Meanwhile, war, hatred, aggression and such can produce only the very same -- or worse -- results that we say we are intending to change.

This, my friends, is the definition of insanity. Killing for peace is like f*cking for virginity. It is absolute nonsense.

Humanity is on the verge of oblivion if it continues its insanity towards its fellow species, its family. Like it or not, "humanity" is "family." This is an inconvenient truth for nearly the whole of humankind, the very reason the insanity prevails.

As a human species, we are capable of so much more than war and hatred. In this earth realm, humanity is also able to manifest "on Earth as it is in Heaven."

How we perceive ourselves in our relationship within ourselves co-creates the environment we perceive as "the world." ("As within, so without.") Even though we perceive the world as seeming to be outside ourselves, IT IS NOT. 

This is to invite you -- to invite all -- to choose to embody PEACE, peacefully, fearlessly, through unconditional love. Let us start to change the very fabric of our being; so that we can embrace the unknown without fear, doubt and criticism. This, by osmosis, by example, will ripple out to touch others and will change the frequency, vibration and resonance of what is now a "kill for peace" mentality, a continuation of our co-created insanity.

I Am Yohiel, and I choose to embody PEACE peacefully, fearlessly.

CHOOSE to embody PEACE

Sunday, November 15, 2015


Question: In light of the recent attack in Paris, what do you think France should do -- in "PRACTICAL” terms, not in “ESOTERIC” terms?        

Answer: I Am Yohiel.

As long as we think like revengeful beings, we will produce revengeful beings. For every one person killed, at least one new enemy is generated.

No matter what our personal beliefs and/or opinions may be, we all have loved ones -- ones whom we love. Loved ones who are killed will, and do, produce bitter fruits. This is evidenced throughout human history and is the insanity of humankind, the reason we still see, partake in, and co-create the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.

The choice is clear. Choosing another way to deal with loss is the only sane way to stop the insanity we perpetrate upon one another presently. Call it ESOTERIC, if you will, in contrast to what we choose to keep practicing. But – like it or not --  the current version of PRACTICAL, if that’s what you choose to call it, has never worked for the greatest good of the whole of the human family that we all are.

This is humanity's inconvenient truth. We will surely perish as a race of beings if we continue to do what we've done before.

At the moment, we are faced with a choice between OBLIVION or PARADISE. This is what we need to understand. Within this understanding, we must abandon the perverted, co-created, insane concept humankind has bought into as “normal” and put down our weapons while standing our ground as the fearless Divine Essence Beings we truly are. This is how we change, and what we do to stop humanity’s collective insanity.

As long as humankind sees itself as separated instead of seeing itself as a family sharing a planetary home, we might as well be done with it and end it all by killing everyone because of our differences. Without any human beings on it, Earth will become a perfect paradise once again. Unless and until humanity awakens to this fact, true Divine Consciousness will not manifest.

I Am Yohiel.

Mother World is a living, sentient being. As humanity, we share this world with all other life upon Her and within Her. Humankind is capable of so much more than this bloodthirsty, “kill-all-who-are-different-from-us” perversion of itself.

Awaken Humanity!

All over the globe, we are all witnessing Mother World’s 265,000-year cycle-ending “Expansion Event,” There is still time before the crescendo of this event is concluded to align with the Unconditional Love frequency vibration and resonance of Mother Earth Gaia.

These inhuman, perverted, self-inflicted hate crimes and the willingness to retaliate and escalate these acts of hatred towards one another will be humanity’s undoing and -- quite possibly -- homo-sapiens’ extinction. No need for alien invasions, demonic forces, angelic forces, God and/or anything and/or anyone else! Humanity seems quite willing to do this unto itself. Keep these insane co-creative concepts alive, and humanity as a species will succeed.

Sunday, November 1, 2015


I Am Yohiel.

With the recent scientific release regarding the Antarctic Sea ice sheet having grown to a 35-year high density, and in light of the ongoing declassification of the whole Antarctica region -- particularly that around the South Pole area of glacier
cliffs and ice pack --there has been, and there continues to be, much speculation. Some interesting theories as to what this all means have been proposed along with a wealth of misguiding, supposedly “channeled” messages from Matthew, the Pleiadians, the Acturians, the Ascended Masters and the Archangels, all of them (See:

As Yohiel, I am personally aware of this phenomena. Having been invited to these areas on numerous occasions, over the course of some decades, I have been given information to share. This information, with regards to what is truly happening, is for humanity to understand, to awaken to, and to remember through its cellular memory. Those who are helping Mother Earth Gaia's surface realm -- along with those helping Argartha, Mother Earth's within realm -- are here to manifest a new Earth, as it were, "on Earth as it is in Heaven." 

(See and

Antarctic Sea Ice 

The inconvenient truth that has scientists questioning this new, record-setting ice pack's size -- an ice pack that, due to what your human scientists call "Global Warming," was drastically supposedly diminishing and, for some decades and as recently as 4 years ago, was said to be causing an alarming rise in the water levels of the planet’s oceans and seas -- is the fact that, like all glacial ice pack, this record-setting ice pack is composed of fresh water.

Where Did the Fresh Water Come From?

Scientists and New Age channels of the day were all on board with doom, gloom and misinformation about the reality of what was taking place. These two groups – from vastly different perspectives – discredited any and all who pointed out the inconsistencies in their information as flawed and untrue. 

Here now are the answers -- not mere theory or speculations -- as to where the fresh water of this new ice pack came from, and why it is manifesting at this point in Mother World’s history (i.e., “Herstory”).

Expansion Events

Mother World is a cyclical system, and She is sentient; She is aware of Herself and knows that She is a conscious being. Mother goes through various stages of change brought about by growth, i.e., "Expansion Events."

Much as these events are for Mother World to cleanse, recycle, and grow, they are likewise for humanity, which shares this planet as Home World. Like Mother World, human beings change physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually every 7 years. Expansion Events are the world’s way of growing.

Expansion Timeline

Expansion Events of this nature take place approximately every 265 years, every 2,650 years, every 26,500 years, every 265,000 years, and every 2,650,000 years. Mother World is in one of Her 265,000 year cycles. This cycle is ushering in changes that are necessary for Her expansion to complete itself. 

The principal event of the subject cycle struck at 4:35 am on September 4, 2010.
The earthquake’s epicenter was located some 25 miles (40 km) west of   
Christchurch, New Zealand near the town of Darfield. The focus was located about 6 miles (10 km) beneath the surface. It was caused by right-lateral movement along a previously unknown, regional, strike-slip fault in the western section of the Canterbury Plains. 

The fault appeared about 50 to 56 miles (80 to 90 km) southeast of the boundary between the Australian and Pacific tectonic plates. The whole of Earth’s surface realm tectonic plates separated, expanded, and shifted 55 feet (17 m) globally. That represented the first phase of Mother World’s Expansion Event.

What this means as well is that the Agartha, Mother Earth Gaia's within realm, also expanded. In fact, 10 years ago, scientists were telling humanity that the earth’s core, which people are still being taught is magma, was expanding. Satellites in space were recording steady and unusual 185 - 201F (85 to 94C) degree temperature fluctuations at both the North and South Poles along with increased aurora borealis activity as though flared vapors were coming from within an opening in the Poles’ centers. Yet, after this information was shared initially with the public, it was changed (as usual) for the general population globally.

As Within, So Without

What was, and what is taking place on the surface realm is being triggered by what is happening in Agartha, Mother Earth Gaia's within realm. As the heart of Mother World, Agartha’s Central Sun Magnet, a plasmic, electromagnetic, Dyson's Sphere, rotates faster and faster within Agartha's sky, it creates a vortex, a void in which to expand. This sets in motion a chain of expansion events upon Agarthian oceans and land masses.

These gigantic riffs, cracks and shifts within the inner skin of the Agarthian crust push upwards and outwards. This effects the 45-mile deep fresh water orb ocean that is contained throughout the crusts of both realms -- except at the North and South Pole entry/exit portal holes. This oceanic orb acts as the inner, liquefied life source, the one main artery, with its secondary veins and lesser capillary connectors between Agartha's inner surface and Earth's outer surface.

Each crust layer surrounding the main orb ocean is equally separated by 27 miles. The entirety of the Mother Worlds crust is approximately 99 miles in thickness from Earth Gaia's surface ocean bottom to Agartha's ocean bottom. Calculated from the bottoms of both Agartha's tectonic ocean plates within and the surface world’s outer ocean bottom tectonic plates, these are average yet accurate dimensional measurements.

New Earth and the New Heavens

These riffs, cracks, and shifts, along with the Earth's equator spinning faster and the venting of fresh orb ocean waters at the Antarctica South pole region are to supply fresh water to the new continent formations that will occur as Mother World's Expansion Event crescendos within this decade or, at latest, within the first couple years into the next.

To assist in the polar shift axis flip, the Arctic North Pole is diminishing through the North portal entry/exit to Agartha. This Expansion Even is to create “the New Earth and the New Heavens" prophesied in so many of your human mythologies, which you refer to as religion and/or philosophy.

What all this means is that soon Mother World -- with a little help from Her terrestrial and celestial friends -- will be transformed as Her purposed vision inspired, Her Divine Eternal Being set out to be, the fulfillment of Her own Dream Vision "on Earth as it is in Heaven."

Stay Tuned

In my next post, I will share more of what is being kept from humanity’s general populace and the reasons behind this intentional global cover-up.

Great Spirit blessings!

© Muaisa Hale Pule, 2015