Monday, November 9, 2009

One Heart-Mind and You

We've all heard these sayings:

• "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”;
• "What comes around goes around”;
• “One person’s poison is another’s elixir."

There are also the corresponding phrases:

• "God is Love";
• "It's your Karma”;
• "You are what you eat.”

How many of us, however, truly engage ourselves in taking responsibility (response ability) for our life's choices and actions? Yet, our individual and collective co-relationships between belief (Mind) and biology (Heart) are the key ingredients for a healthy soul and spirit. And, these in turn are the functions for perfecting good health and lifestyle.

Whether we are responding as healthy or unhealthy beings, we are going to experience and express ourselves through actions and reactions to everything and anything. This starts with an internal process like diet and mirrors the external process through the way we perceive ourselves through others.

The saying “One person’s poison is another's elixir” and, correspondingly, the phrase “You are what you eat” hold a lot of truth. Joyous eating with "Divine" intent is the optimal way to start your day and sustain your energy. It's also the first step in a continual co-relating process between belief (Mind) and biology (Heart). As we take responsibility for ourselves, we change the world one healthy mouthful at a time.

Bon appetite!

Jack Alexander / Yohiel

Sunday, November 8, 2009

What We Are -- Who You Are

In our ever-changing world, with it's hyper-speed forms of communication, our almost total dependence on the Internet, and our global, computer-driven networking, is it any wonder we feel isolated, if not insulated, from one another and -- more to the point -- from our Self?
The continual invitation is to put ourselves in a constant state of dependence on whatever the global network wants us to believe. What we are "supposed" to believe now has been titrated into us from one contradictory event to the next -- a seemingly endless and at times vicious cycle of codependency that begs us to eventually ask these types of questions:

• What's the point?
• Is this all there is?
• Is this as good as it gets?

Consider the following reality if you will: We are not human beings here to experience a divine awakening. Rather, we are divine eternal beings, playing a role on the 3D "holodeck," here to have a human experience.

Believing the above to the core, we find ourselves set free from the temporal systems that the global networks are currently misrepresenting as reality. How does this possible reality (that we are divine beings here to play out a role we co-orchestrated with our Eternal Divine) make you feel?