Principles of quantum physics prove there is no God. The facts overwhelm religious belief. The scientific conclusion relies on a realization that quantum particles come and go randomly, on a scale of subatomic particles, as continuous events. Quantum particles are observed in one moment and then are gone in the next as though they had never happened nor existed.
The key to resolving this dichotomy lies in Hawking’s misguided starting point, a point that is based on religion’s mythos about God. If we follow Hawking’s scientific course without holding to religious ideology, we can determined “who” and “what” God is as a whole, and “who” and “what” God is obviously not.
First and foremost, God is not a singular Supreme Being as exemplified in religious dogma. Neither is God a He, a Father, or any other essence with human traits and attributes. Rather than God creating man in His own image, humankind, in the name of religion, fabricated the idea of God in the likeness of man, a fantastical concept that can be disproved by quantum physics.
God is not a three-dimensional being. Rather, God is something other than a 3D model. God, being spirit, resides outside the realm of scientific understanding. While science studies three-dimensional reality, it formulates conclusions based only upon the dimensions it studies. To undertake an exploration of God that goes beyond its scientifically perceived parts, one needs to understand other co-existing dimensions.
"God is a collective state of consciousness." With our human abilities to observe, to conceive of infinite possibilities, and to be in awe of nature, we are able to bare witness to energy’s order of constant change and simultaneous perfection. This order is an ongoing process that humankind participates in without being the only participants.
The composite consciousness of all perceived and unperceived creation is our "free will" as God. Free will exists in every form of life as Perfection and Divine Order. It exists in plant, animal, spiritual, elemental and electromagnetic nature, allowing us to interact, react, and/or overreact to stimulus. The challenge takes place when belief systems we acquire contradict our divine inner knowing.
Shamanic teaching calls the core of our Divine energy "walking the good red road.” Buddhism shares that "enlightenment is what we are; there is nothing to gain, only its recognition.” According to Christianity, "God is Love. . . but as for us born again in Spirit, we know all things of God, even the deepest mysteries.”
These few examples of spiritual awareness demonstrate how the understanding of consciousness originates from a single source of intuitive knowing. Imparted through seemingly unrelated teachings, the message is the same and clear. That clarity resides within us as Divine Order's ever present and eternal demeanor in action and change. It is the act of being perfect, ever perfecting, as Spirit’s Nature.
Accepting, knowing and believing this to be true will indeed set us free. What we are free from is our flawed belief that we are imperfect and not connected to God. We have been taught that because we have differences, we are sinful, that we are worthy only of eternal damnation, and that we need to be redeemed through rigorous disciplines or by a sacrificial savior, but none of this is true.
God consciousness includes the infinite micro- and macro-cosmic universes and all life forms known and unknown. All three-dimensional reality has an eternal life in Divine consciousness that extends far beyond the internal three-dimensional womb of time and space. As we share in this ongoing paradigm we live a temporal, human, three-dimensional experience. This experience is shared throughout the infinite realms of yet unknown and undiscovered realities.
Our within knowing, our inner truth, stems from our former and eternal existence in heaven. This heavenly realm exists outside limited three-dimensional time and space. Collective Divine consciousness, rather than something we become, is what we are, have been, and always will be. We need but to enjoy the experience. “Believe to Behold!”