Thursday, June 23, 2016


I AM Yohiel.

As a member of the Celestial Council of Divine Natural Order Federated Realms and Dimensions (CCDNOFRD), and as a Reptilian Dragonian (Seraphim) Adviser Recorder in this life as a human, attending on a regular basis the orderly, peaceable, unconditional love frequencies, vibrations, and resonance we are all about, and sending out -- primarily for your shared planet home to assist Gaia Earth Mother's surface world, in conjunction with Agartha, Mother's within world, in Her latest "Expansion Event" -- I share the following

What is still not realized by all too many of humanity is that you are so locked up in your own destruction scenarios that the imaginings being labeled as "Alien intervention," "abductions," "invasions," "other worlds / realms / dimensions warring against one another" and the like are just not so. What you as humanity are doing is rippling and co-creating judgments, judgments which enslave you into truly believing that the ways of humanity are the ways of all that is. This is not so.

You as humanity have allowed yourselves to conceive and practice horrific doings unto yourselves and most other life forms on the shared planet home you believe to be yours to do with as you please -- even though it is not. Like the dualistic "God" you have created to follow under the name of "relgion" is full of vengeance, judgment, and loves to destroy in the name of love all that do not adhere to "His" way because they are evil and unworthy, so too do you as humanity behave in the world you keep co-creating with more horrific scenarios to yet be played out in manifesting.

It is in these, and only these instances that our intervention comes into play. We will not interfere with your awakening (or lack of same). We will, however, not let you destroy what you wrongfully believe to be yours. We are here at Gaia Earth and Agartha Mother World's request to assist Her glorious sentient essence through this "Expansion Event" now in cycle, a cycle that we assist Mother with about ever 265,000 years.

So believe, if you choose, in the channelings from here and there supposedly from the Pleiadians, Sirusians, the Ascended Masters, Matthew, Archangel Michael, the Angels, and all the others. These channelings are consisstantly missing the mark of their own prophetic sayings. Understand that the future is malleable, not set in stone. It cannot be predicted, and we Greys, Reptilians, and all the other demonized groupings of these Celestial Councils are not evil. We are all, in fact, your benefactors, your originators, and your ancestors.

Continued Awakenings upon you all, and the Unconditional Love Frequency Vibration Resonance of DNO Be!

I AM Yohiel.

Friday, April 1, 2016


I Am Yohiel.

How fascinating that science is truly getting to the point of what some of us have known within already! The musings of so-called "scientific inquires" are truly puzzling to the scientific community. What they bear witness to should not be -- yet, here it is. Based on theoretical possibilities of science's and technology's 21st century quantum cosmology of physics, and on all the unknowns being attached to them through their discoveries, it is folly for us who know to see science finding itself in its own version of the proverbial "falling down the rabbit hole." Indeed, science is now on course to "awakening" unto itself.

 In an article at, IFLSCIENCE shares the awe-inspiring quest that science speculates upon while reawakening to its unexpectedly new environment. Science is not yet aware that its relationship with its new discoveries -- and with the scientific empirical process it shares with us -- is the reason for its confusion.

I Am Yohiel.

The article at suggests that science is in uncharted and unexplored celestial waters of Divine Natural Order (DNO). What it fails to acknowledge is that "dark matter," "anti-matter" and "original matter" are one in the same regarding what they represent in the 3D reality, a reality which is in fact not reality at all.

So-called "reality" is an illusion, a refection unto itself. Dark matter is the 99.9999...% of invisible yet detectable electromagnetic energy, its reflection being a within expression of experiences, its own internal process. Through this process, the ever-expanding torus, which also internalizes ever more deeply as electromagnetic cosmic breathing, experiences its own sentient consciousness. This sentient consciousness is a heart-mind thought with an awareness of its own Beloved I AM Presence.

The heart-mind thought is indeed one and the same as electromagnetic energy essence within and surrounding all that is life. This is spiritually referred to as "Holy Spirit," the whole of the essence for Divine Natural Order (DNO). It is the "image and likeness" of "All That IS, which is all We ARE." The whole of existence is in and of itself a breath, as in "the breath of life."

By way of example, each singular breath we take as humans is in and of itself a 4-step process. Dark matter is the same invisible yet observable essence , as the 4-step breath, flowing through every atom within "Life Itself." As humanity, it constantly flows through us. It is the same as that which flows through all Life, anywhere, everywhere, anyone, and everyone as the 99.9999...% of empty space.

The subject article addresses the quantum dynamic of physics as well as the seemingly infinite cosmological sciences. It gives no answers, only theoretical hypotheses, which incorporate mention of multi-universe (multiverse) black hole portals. Dark matter, however, infinitely loops about Itself and co-creates the “image and likeness” of Itself as Its "dream vision," our perceived 3D reality. More to the point, this reality is only the mirror-reversed, "through the looking glass" illusion of Itself.

The fact is this same essence co-creates the multiplex "torus" as its 3D paradigm illusion, which humanity believes to be its reality. This is the same essence co-created throughout the universe as an ever-expanding multiverse model, as infinite in Its macrocosm as it is in Its microcosmic 3D paradigms. The life force within and surrounding the torus is the expressed experience of the 99.9999...% empty space. This is evidenced by the ability it has to perceive its parts as being individual and separate from the whole. All life within and surrounding It proceeds to fill it in with its own conceptualized belief system. Filling in the space, ‘Life' within It and surrounding It, in all Its variations, is expressed as an inner relationship that is lived as a singular entity (ex., atoms, cells, you, me, multi-universe super structures, etc..)

Within this relationship called "life," a sentient life-form conceptualizes its perceived, co-created reality. Hence, life becomes an environment, in which to express itself and to be aware of itself and the possibilities of various life-forms. Humanity, one such life form, is easily swayed by science, religion and philosophy to believe that this is its entire reality, but it is not.

More to be revealed. Much more...!

Blessings to All! "Believe Too Behold!"

I Am Yohiel.