The following information is not channeled. Rather, it is a personal commentary in the form of a number of bulleted (• ) points regarding a collection of outdated, regurgitated misinformation. What I am sharing below (in italics) is, except where explained to be otherwise, excerpted from a lengthy, outright flawed, supposed "channeled message from Archangel Metatron."
Jill Harrison, the woman who claims to channel these messages, describes herself as "an ANGEL MESSENGER and a Level-12 Psychic Medium and Avatara, who has trance-channeled over 100 Archangels, Ascended Masters and Light-Beings, has done over 1000 trance-channeled psychic readings for people globally and recorded over 60 angel-guided meditations."
Below are a series of excerpts from misinformation Ms. Harrision has put forth in an article entitled "Archangel Metatron – Important Dual Key Activations on 8 August 2015, " an article which contains misinformation she claims to have channeled, and which she has the following website:
"On the 8th day of the 8th month at the 8th hour, there will be a specific spiritual dimensional shift in energies, to bring in important changes, to ensure the Divine plan, for the continuance of the human race, is upheld.
"The dates given will pass without consequence. It gives no year. Direct connect with these beings shares such details. Does not give the specifics to these shifts. Again, such details are shared by these beings. There is no "Divine plan," never has been, never will be."
• Regarding the human race, this essence base of Divine Natural Order (DNO), referred to here as human, will continue to be expressed by those of this race who have changed their frequency, vibration, and resonance with our Mother World's, and only with these. This is due to what is now taking place within and upon our Mother World's Agartha inner realm, and Gaia Earth's surface realm.
• Our Mother World is a sentient being, a DNO celestial life form, that is aware of Herself as I AM and is conscious of Herself as Being. Her "Expansion Event" is happening. The frequency, vibration, and resonance She is emitting is the frequency humanity will need to utilize to see themselves thru this 265,000 year event. That is how humanity will be upheld, how humanity will survive. All of Mother's inhabitants, except humanity, are in alignment for their life anew in and upon Mother World's co-creating Herself anew as a larger mass version of Her essence.
Here's another excerpt:
"It is important that you are open to receiving these new energies that will ricochet around the globe. Why are these key activations important to you?"
• The "new energies" will be felt within us directly or not felt at all. There will not be a ricochet effect.
Continuing along with excerpts:
"These new key activations will open up humanity to the realm of greater soul understanding. This particular phase will take you into lessons of self-sufficiency, and understanding that, to rely on others, will not help you evolve. This is necessary in order for you to understand how to manifest your own experiences."
• There is nothing (no thing) new being channeled here. This is just common sense.
Ms. Harrison persists:
"For too long, humanity has relied on being led. Throughout history, this has resulted in poverty, suffering and great disappointment for the entire human race. These new energies will herald the deactivation of the need to control, through governments and material corruption.
"We will assist all of you in learning to remove your own inability to trust yourselves to be self-sufficient. The ability of the world to produce enough food, water and resources for the whole of humanity and the animal kingdom, is on a precipice."
• Nothing new here either!
Below, in contrast, are "The Twelve Pathways" and "The Seven Centers of Consciousness" from the new age classic, Handbook to Higher Consciousness (first published in 1973) by Ken Keyes, Jr. and his and "Living Love System. Keyes was not a channel. He was gifted by Spirit. His information was one of a kind --not a redoing of others' information, like that of the above supposed channel .
- - - - - Begin Ken Keyes - - - - -
2. I am discovering how my consciousness-dominating addictions create my illusory version of the changing world of people and situations around me.
3. I welcome the opportunity (even if painful) that my minute-to-minute experience offers me to become aware of the addictions I must reprogram to be liberated from my robot-like emotional patterns.
4. l always remember that I have everything I need to enjoy my here and now -- unless I am letting my consciousness be dominated by demands and expectations based on the dead past or the imagined future.
5. I take full responsibility here and now for everything I experience, for it is my own programming that creates my actions and also influences the reactions of people around me.
6. I accept myself completely here and now and consciously experience everything I feel, think, say, and do (including my emotion-backed addictions) as a necessary part of my growth into higher consciousness.
7. I open myself genuinely to all people by being willing to fully communicate my deepest feelings, since hiding in any degree keeps me stuck in my illusion of separateness from other people.
8. I feel with loving compassion the problems of others without getting caught up emotionally in their predicaments that are offering them messages they need for their growth.
9. I act freely when I am tuned in, centered, and loving, but if possible I avoid acting when I am emotionally upset and depriving myself of the wisdom that flows from love and expanded consciousness.
11. I am constantly aware of which of the Seven Centers of Consciousness I am using, and I feel my energy,
perceptiveness, love and inner peace growing as I open all of the Centers of Consciousness.
12. I am perceiving everyone, including myself, as an awakening being who is here to claim his or her birthright to the higher consciousness planes of unconditional love and oneness.
- - - - - Continue Ken Keyes - - - - -
This Center makes you preoccupied with food, shelter, or whatever you equate with your personal security. This programming forces your consciousness to be dominated by your continuous battle to get "enough" from the world in order to feel secure.
This Center is concerned with finding happiness in life by providing yourself with more and better pleasurable sensations and activities. For many people, sex is the most appealing of all sensations. Other addictive sensations may include the sound of music, the taste of food, etc.
When your consciousness is focused on this Center, you are concerned with dominating people and situations and increasing your prestige, wealth, and pride -- in addition to thousands of more subtle forms of hierarchy, manipulation, and control.
At this Center you are transcending subject-object relationships and are learning to see the world with the feelings and harmonies of flowing acceptance. You see yourself in everyone -- and everyone in yourself. You feel compassion for the suffering of those caught in the dramas of security, sensation, and power. You are beginning to love and accept everyone unconditionally -- even yourself.
It is liberating to have a Center from which your Conscious-awareness watches your body and mind perform on the lower five centers. This is a meta-center from which you non-judgmentally witness the drama of your body and mind. From this Center of Centers, you learn to impartially observe your social roles and life games from a place that is free from fear and vulnerability.
When you live fully in the Sixth Center of Consciousness, you are ready to transcend self-awareness and become pure awareness. At this ultimate level, you are one with everything -- you are love, peace, energy, beauty, wisdom, clarity, effectiveness, and oneness.
- - - - - End Ken Keyes - - - - -
Back now to my review of Ms. Harrison's misinformation at "Rather than learning independence, the global governments have programmed and impressed, through fear, the need to be dependent. To fit into society, you have to follow more rules and regulations, which limit the soul, rather than free it."
• Ho-hum! Truly nothing new here!
"As mankind desperately seeks to make its mark on the world, these new energies will help all of you to realize, that if you continue to make decisions for the future, based on the past, then you will be stuck in a cycle that doesn’t release you from the bonds you have created; and humanity as you know it, will cease to exist."
• Here again, nothing new, which hasn't been shared before, interestingly enough, by other so-called "channels"!
"Soul-liberation requires you to take the wisdom of the past with you, but the rest, such as fear, negativity, failure and beliefs; you leave behind.
"For a new world to be created, you have to start with a clean sheet. Just as if you were to build a new house, new foundations are key to the longevity of how long the house lasts for. Your education systems are not geared towards teaching self-sufficiency. Your technology takes away your independence, rather than supports it.
"Living in the past, keeps you manifesting the past, albeit in different scenarios. The collective energy vibrations of 8.8.2015 will clear the negative energies that keep you all unawakened.
"Those who refuse to become accountable, will experience great hardship. Those who refuse to recognize the need to return to living off the land naturally, without the aid of chemicals, will see a decline in the population through disease. A great cleansing is coming, and although many of you will now not want to accept this, the greater your denial, unfortunately the greater the suffering will be."
• I have taken these next points and combined them for the sake of their repetitive theme, a theme that shares nothing new, except for the total date, which is not correct as the intention of this channel is not correct.
"There will be two major key activations which will take place at 8am and 8pm around the planet. The first activation will bring through new energies that will create high resonance frequencies, that will affect the chemicals within your body. This is so you will resonate at a different vibration."
• As shared earlier, these changes will be, and are, an internal heart-mind event that Mother World Herself is emitting for all who reply on Her for life to accompany Her through Her "Expansion Event."
"On the second activation, these chemicals will be absorbed into the physical body, to bring about physiological changes. The positive side, is that you will develop a higher immune system, resulting in a healthier body. The negative side, is that many of you will become intolerant to the highly chemically processed foods you all love to eat."
• This is merely stating only commonsense and the obvious as if it were something new when it is not.
"New teachers will be required to help people learn and understand the need to return to a natural organic diet, which maintains an 80% plant-based food source, at every meal.
"Within each of you, will come many new insights, as your ability to perceive a different reality takes place. Your financial systems are in a state of collapse. Your health and way of life is in dire need of a radical overhaul, and only those who are open to taking steps towards being self-sufficient, will experience soul-liberation and freedom.
"Many times we have said you cannot give what you do not have. Unfortunately, your governments have created the illusion that you have the resources, when in reality, you haven’t. In desperation, new laws, new rules are created, to keep everything glossed over; but how long can you gloss over a house with rotting foundations before everything collapses?
• Nesting these obvious repetitives into one grouping here -- again stating the obvious!
"These new activations will be to your advantage, because it brings you a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the self. There are hundreds of thousands of other advanced worlds that you have no idea of. Each has its own stage of evolution. And as we move towards helping everyone experience multi-dimensional living, there has to be major restructuring. As this continues to resonate through your world, you will find the more you work within communities to support one another, without ruling or domination, the greater the changes will be for your planet."
• Again, nothing new here -- plus another mistaken assumption in the statement "the greater the changes will be for your planet." The fact that this channel is calling this "your planet" is proof enough that this channel, no matter how excepted and renowned she may be, supposedly channeling Archangel Metatron, is in error. Mother World is an intergalactic shared "Paradise" owned by no one essence base at all. Mother's within Agartha and surface Gaia Earth realms are shared realms.
"These new activations are key to showing you how important it is that you embrace global change. Your extent to be self-sufficient, will remind you of how limitless you are. For those who have high vibrations, it is possible that they will begin to see multi-dimensional races, and receive information and data to help you.
"It is time to be more universally aware, to be more consciously aware of the impact your individual choices make upon the environment, and the potential for life evolution.
"On the 8.8.2015, a golden grid of light will be anchored into the Earth, to support the collective consciousness, in preparation for the changes that will be taking place over the next five years. Your world has to begin to experience great change. Austerity, which is dependent upon materialism, will fail."
• The "Expansion Event" Mother World is co-creating as a sentient being is all about Her. This channel makes the case that without humanity's participation, the environment will not evolve to its potential. In truth, humanity is the very virus that Mother may indeed be ready, willing, and able to send home to the Divine Realms (not of this 3D paradigm). Only those of humanity that, from within their own heart-mind, are aligned with Mother's new frequency, vibration, and resonance, along will be with all the other life, one the other side of Mother's expansion to celebrate Her "Jubilee!"
"Today, there are opportunities for you all to come through these trying times. The more you can learn about working with energies, the more you can learn to weave these energies and vibrations within the etheric and physical bodies, the greater your potential is to help you influence your experiences of the changes to come.
"All of the changes you will experience, hold for you the opportunity to become more fully conscious of the different levels of life-forms that coexist around you. The injustices you may feel, as a result of these new activations, are a blessing in disguise."
• Here, there is nothing new, which has not been shared over the course of many decades already. Some of it is actually just pure folly.
"Trust is an important aspect of these new energies. You must learn to trust your instincts, your energies; so that you are steered in the right direction. Learning to understand and read other people’s frequencies, will be also an integral part of transforming through the coming changes, in a peaceful and harmonious way.
"Will you view these new key activations as positive or negative?"
• The only way to be is without judgment and to be in unconditional love. Everything and anything else is pure folly. If one views positive and negative scenarios, they are locked in judgment with themselves and anyone and everyone else. It is nonsense that Archangel Metatron does not know this; Metatron surely does, so this channel is zooming only herself along with those who choose to share these views.
"Truth is the embodiment of trust. You can no longer rely, just on what you can see, smell, hear, taste and touch. You must learn to navigate the world of emotional resonance, and this includes removing fears.
"Just as your financial markets will begin try to claw back as much debt as they can, so too must you face the time of settling your own karmic and spiritual debts. This is the time for all of you to face and embrace your authentic self. To learn to navigate life with your inner-knowing, rather than being told what to do. The inner-knowing is the higher-self, but you have become estranged from it. These new key activations will enable you to rediscover your higher-self.
"By living in the moment, trusting in the moment; by living in the most natural way, which is balance and harmony with planet Earth, and each other; the greater transformation will take place. Many of you fear that you will lose something. The fear of loss is your greatest enemy. By eradicating your fear of loss, you will experience a greater sense of freedom. It isn’t about being right, it about what is true, because when you are resonating in your truth, your inner world transforms.
"Learn to tell the difference between what you see as being true, with what you feel, beyond any shadow of a doubt, is the truth. The resonance of truth vibrates throughout your body. Learn to use this as your point of reference when you are making decisions.
"From now until the 8th of the 8th, begin to work on consciously being aware of different vibrations. Vibrations affect your perceptions. This is quantum science. It is time to take a big step into learning and embracing how to live in a multi-dimensional world. There will be those who will not come with you, through the transformations that are required.
"This means you will experience and see what appears to you on a human level, a great many souls exiting the planet Earth. What you must do, is recognize this is a great opportunity for those who are operating at a lower level of vibration, a chance to integrate the changes at a slower rate, on a different dimensional plane. It is not a punishment, it is a way of helping those who are learning at a different rate, take time to work on their own soul evolvement, at a pace that is right for them.
'Every single soul is taken care of. It is an opportunity for them to undergo the experience, but at a different slower pace. They need to learn how to interact with a higher consciousness society. They will be relocated, eventually, to where they need to be. Do not perceive them as being separate from you. Do not be fooled into believing they are being punished, or have suffered.
"The realm of angels within your universe are working to help every soul on its evolution, get the right level of optimum support. We are working with all of you. We are supporting all of you through the breakdown of old negative energies.
"You must use these new key-activations to help you master the art of vibrational living. Vibrational frequency work is an integral part of your light-body activation for ascension. There are very few masters who can teach you how to master the art of vibrational living, so seek and use your inner knowing to find the right master teacher for you. Remember our advice; the old way of using only the five human senses, is no longer going to be an effective way of navigating the art of living."
• This channel is not Archangel Metatron. The human errors in the totality of this share prove as much.
Remember all that DNO shares: Nothing REAL can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. This is physics. All That IS, is all We ARE.
Blessings All!
I am Yohiel
© Muaisa Hale Pule, 2015