90 to 95% of the general populace believe that we can eliminate war, hatred, aggression, segregation, and extremists of all kinds by continuing to co-create the very things we say we want to eliminate. People are brainwashed to hate, to kill and to be hated and killed for the monetary profits of a global war industry. Meanwhile, war, hatred, aggression and such can produce only the very same -- or worse -- results that we say we are intending to change.
This, my friends, is the definition of insanity. Killing for peace is like f*cking for virginity. It is absolute nonsense.
As a human species, we are capable of so much more than war and hatred. In this earth realm, humanity is also able to manifest "on Earth as it is in Heaven."
This is to invite you -- to invite all -- to choose to embody PEACE, peacefully, fearlessly, through unconditional love. Let us start to change the very fabric of our being; so that we can embrace the unknown without fear, doubt and criticism. This, by osmosis, by example, will ripple out to touch others and will change the frequency, vibration and resonance of what is now a "kill for peace" mentality, a continuation of our co-created insanity.
CHOOSE to embody PEACE